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Vansittart Bay

Vansittart Bay was named after the Chancellor of Exchequer by early explorer Phillip Parker King. Vansittart Bay is a large protected bay of significant cultural and historical importance. There are many islands in close proximity as well as many beautiful beaches and coves.

We cruise past Sir Graham Moore Islands and Mary Islands into the picturesque Vansittart Bay. About 20kms out from the bay is Troughton island which has a helicopter and aircraft base to support the offshore oil and gas platforms and rigs. To the east is Truscott air base an old WWII air base still used today by coast watch and others and named after Bluey Truscott, Australian fighter pilot ace.

You can walk to Rocky Cove where you will see multiple galleries of rock art, particularly Bradshaw art and some Wandjina art. There is a fantastic walk over a sand dune and saltpan into semi-arid woodland where you will discover the famous historical site of a WW2 DC3 aircraft wreck.


  • 6 or 7 night Kings of the Kimberley Northern Gorges
  • 13 night Kimberley Classic Adventure

Visit Vansittart Bay

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