20 Years Of Kimberley Adventures
In the late 90’s we found ourselves looking for the next big adventure. The Kimberley was a place that we loved, that we were passionate about. We wanted to share that. The opportunity presented itself to start our own cruise operation. We threw caution to the wind and with the support of some wonderful friends we gave it a shot.

We often shake our heads and wonder how we did it. We were so young and had so much to learn. Working in this wild, remote locate is pretty crazy at times. But we just knew we had to give it a go. We didn’t want to be left wondering what if. Here we are 20 years later. It feels incredibly surreal.

We are so thankful to the people that supported us. A special mention must go to our family, our business mentors and our crew past and present. And most importantly to our wonderful guests who remain old friends.

We look forward to celebrating together and we say thanks for two decades of friendships and unbelievable Kimberley adventures. We look forward to many more to come.
Warmest regards,
Kylie, Trippy, Jezza and Poony
Owners / Adventurers